Monday, January 12, 2009


Follow the instructions in class on referencing using APA, and then do the 2 tasks posted:

1. Use the reference for APA ( and then find 5 books and create a bibliography. You can use the Fraser Valley library catalogue:

2. Use the timeline handout and make a timeline of 10 events spanning from 1795 to 1821. Summarize your findings.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Napoleon Episode 1 Part 1

The French Revolution reference:

PREVIEWING TASK: Read the following quotes and then write a definition of what you think "destiny" means.
"The longest journeyIs the journey inwardsOf him who has chosen his destiny" —Dag Hammarskjold (1905-1961)
"Sow a habit, and you reap a character,Sow a character, and you reap a destiny"—Anon.
"'Tis all a Checkerboard of Nights and DaysWhere Destiny with Men for Pieces Plays."—Edward FitzGerald (1809-1883)

1. Napoleon so hated having his native country conquered by the French, yet in the name of France he went on to be the greatest conqueror of other European countries the world had ever seen. How do you explain this paradox (something that is in contradiction, or opposed to common sense, yet is true)?

2. Napoleon loved his mother and disliked his father. Does this necessarily mean that she influenced him more? How did each parent influence Napoleon? What two sides of Napoleon can we see through the effect of each parent?

3. In your opinion, do you think Napoleon's family did the right thing by deserting Corsica for France?

Napoleon: Youth and Family Life reference:

Episode 1 Part 2


1. List all the factors that made Napoleon an "outsider" at both Brienne and the Ecole Militaire. In what way(s) can you identify with Napoleon's feelings in this role?

2. Why, under the Ancien Regime was there no possibility for Napoleon to reach the top ranks of his profession? In your opinion, what is it like to have a dream which seems impossible to fulfil because of society's strictures?

3. Assume the role of a teacher and write a school report for Napoleon at either Brienne or the Ecole Militaire. You should create a grading system, categories, and fill them in. As a teacher, you should write your impressions of this young man. See Episode 1 Part 3 for more information.

Episode 1 Part 3


1. How do you feel about the rising of Vendemiaire when Napoleon fires cannon into a mob that wishes to restore the monarchy in Paris? Were his actions justified or not? What do they tell us about Napoleon?

Politics and the People (Napoleon's Early Years) reference:

Episode 1 Part 4


2. As either Napoleon or Josephine, write a letter to a friend. How would each describe their ensuing romance? Or use to make a short film about their romance (use Napoleon and Josephine as characters - please pick appropriate images) and email it to the following address:

Napoleon and Josephine reference:

Episode 1 Part 5


1. What are some of the ways that Napoleon inspires loyalty in his troops? What makes him a charismatic general?

2. Why do you think that Napoleon says that at Lodi Bridge "I foresaw what I might be?" How or why has he become a man of Destiny?